The Celestial Embryo from 2001: A Space Odyssey

The Umbilical Disaster

Darin Stevenson
64 min readSep 14, 2024

The Actual Mystery of Our Human Developmental History Remains Occluded … by a Domineering Array of Narrative Fictions.

What is beyond them?

PART I: Introit


This is a nonordinary document.

This topic ( the origins of human beings and the evolution of human cognition ) is so complex that it requires a long-form treatment. If you’re looking for short attention span theater, feel free to skip over to tik tok and amuse yourself with 30-second dopamine hits.

What I will present here is controversial, revolutionary, has the potential to radically reorganize your mind.

This process requires careful attention, curiosity, the engagement of your own imagination, and, perhaps, intervals of dreaming between the spans over which you may explore this text. Your capacity to understand this document will be enhanced by sequential readings.

If you treat it like an advertisement or sound bite, you will not become a living aspect of the portal it comprises.

“One of the most astonishing places we might discover artifacts developed by nonhuman intelligences… is in the place where our search originates ... Human minds…”


One night early March of 2002, my life changed forever.

The story began before I was born, but the episode in question took place in the aftermath of a closely related situation in 1999.

One evening I was suddenly gripped by a form of inspiration I had never before experienced. Over the course of two hours, I ripped out 150 pages of a book I had never planned to write.

In it, I explored the origins of the problems that have long plagued our species. And some perspectives on how we might actually resolve them. I disappeared into the act of writing. I was on fire.

I had never written anything resembling this, but, like many of us, had been deeply concerned about the desperate problems we face as human beings… and a living planet.

I saved the document and received a notice that an update to my operating system was available. I applied it. My machine crashed during the update — a bad sign. When I got the system back to a coherent state half an hour later, everything was fine, with one exception.

There was no trace of the document.

I was devastated. I could not recover the original inspiration that had driven me for hours like a vehicle piloted by something far beyond me…

It was gone.

Flash forward to early March of 2002.

One evening, sitting at the same desk… the inspiration spontaneously returned. As before, I began writing madly, beginning to envision an entire book in many sections. The ‘topic’ was the same, and its similarity in purpose to Science and Sanity, a rather arcane work by Alfred Korzybyski, lent me the working title; Symbols and Sanity.

The topic? How our species went insane and how we could both come to understand… and actively resolve this matter.

While writing the first few paragraphs, I had what was for me a crucial and formative insight. Specifically, it was that I could envision the entire network of living human minds… as an actual environment — from a perspective beyond what we usually are capable of perceiving or supposing. I could, in effect, ‘see’ it as ‘a world’ layered on the physical and organismal worlds.

I called this network the cogniscium, and thought of it as an invisible dimension of our own planet, that was a kind of ‘second world’ in its own right. It has something analogous to ‘ecologies’, but they are not organismal; their basis is primarily relational; they hitchhike on organismal structure, behavior, and nervous systems.

I conceived of the landscape comprised by the human cogniscium as ‘inhabited’ by entities of a sort — processes vaguely analogous to what we call ‘animals’, except that these things were virulently competitive and aimed at domination of structural features of the network of human minds.

They are not alive, but are instead examples of special form of persistent information in human minds, relationships and behavior. I called them thrisps.

Thrisps inhabit the terrains of this ‘world’ forged from our minds and the connections between them. They covertly dominate entire epochs of human culture and behavior, thought and experience. The concept of monotheism is an example, as is Google.

Recusively, the concept of thrisps is, itself, a thrisp. But unlike the majority of thrisps, the concept of thrisps introduces the possibility of transcending the malignant variety… or engineering them on purpose.

I then began to imagine the connective infrastructure that unified the minds in this living network. As I moved into my imagination to invent a word for it…

… I ‘saw’ that there was a place in my mind I had never noticed before. And in that place, there was a light. A transcendent luminence that was absolutely compelling.

As I noticed it, the light began to teach me impossible things.

It used a series of geometric transformations of a point. As it lead me through the series, my mind all but exploded with a cascade of insights that were clearly not from human beings. They were insights that unified and exceeded the entire collection of the ways of knowing familiar to us.

This was the beginning of 9 months of the complete reorganization of my mind.

For the entirety of that span, I was being educated by an intelligence that was not human.

I am not going to tell that story here. But I introduce it in order to forge some of the context of my actual concern.

During that experience I was shown what I would call ‘histories’ — of other worlds, timespace itself, and, particularly our species. These histories were not meant to represent ‘the facts’, but rather, crucially insightful perspectives… without which ‘facts’ by themselves… would be meaningless.

Mystery is the paper on which discovery is written.

And it is precisely this kind of knowledge that our species lacks.

Because we have been scripted to think and imagine… that ‘reality’ is ‘merely the facts’ and that ‘only that for which concrete evidence exists’ is real.

That’s a strange disaster for human consciousness, intelligence, intro- and extrospection… because without imagination… understanding… is formally impossible.

What I learned during that experience was far beyond anything I was capable of imagining as possible, let alone accessible. It completely rewrote the foundations of my mind, how I related with language and concepts… what I thought knowledge was… and my senses of what it means to be a being, an organism, an animal… and a human.

I’m not here to explain that. I mention it due to its relevance to how we are scripted to think about our origins, natures… and originary relation-ships.

Most of that scripting is completely absurd, and the fact that it doesn’t appear that way to us… is why I’m writing this.


In the time of the Greek philosophers… the ancient progenitors of the bizarre and often dissociated forms of thought we moderns practice, insightful people were profoundly aware of and compelled by the necessity of forging imaginal figurations of originary and situational circumstances ( etymologically: one’s position of perspective within a circle or sphere of infinite possible or actual perspectives ) in order to experience insight.

The language becomes very tricky here, because English is to Greek as a hammer is to a butterfly’s wing… but allow me to quote Owen Barfield, from Saving the Appearances in an attempt to clarify the mirror’s surface:

“A brief digression on the almost lost distinction between the word ‘hypothesis’ and the word ‘theory’ may not be amiss here. The Greek word θεωρία (theoria) meant ‘contemplation’ and is the term used in Aristotle’s psychology to designate the moment of fully conscious participation, in which the soul’s potential knowledge (its ordinary state) becomes actual, so that man can at last claim to be ‘awake’. This is no guide to its present, or even recent meaning, but it does emphasize the difference between a proposition, which it is hoped may turn out to be true, and a proposition, the truth or untruth of which is irrelevant.”

Barfield’s exquisite goal in this book is to call to our awareness a variety of features of the cogitations, expectations and experiences of our ancestors that have almost completely disappeared into the impoverished shadows of our modernity ( primarily by dying into representations ). But in this passage he is saying something simple: theoria did not concern itself with whether or not some proposition, or perspective… was in fact the case.

Rather, the orienting concern was this: to generate perspectives, speculations, analyses, propositions and other cognitive figures propositions that generated insight into the matters under exploration.

“Much of my capacity to see and learn depends upon a deep intimacy with metaphor. This is ironic, because it means that my capacity to understand the ‘literal’ world, actually depends on my facility with translating it into various profound and illustrative fictions, whose structural resonances with the topic reveal to my insight what ordinary literality could never aspire to even refer to, let alone illustrate.”

In case you, like many benighted moderns, are inclined to think that ‘propositions that are not provable or are untrue never result in insight, discovery, awareness, understanding… or ecstatically glorious transcendence of our ordinary thinking’… consider the entire range of human arts.

And, as well, the behavior of children we refer to as play.

The Owls Are Not What They Seem

— The Giant : |: Twin Peaks

Poetry. Music. Philosophy. Dreaming. Meditation. And the entire range of literature we call novels. Particularly: science fiction.

It turns out that actual understanding cannot exist when evicted to the explicit confines of facts and evidence.

Understanding requires the serendipitous enfigurations that rise from the unbridled wings of wonder, imagination, whimsy … and, sometimes… nonsense. The features of consciousness you utilize to evaluate propositions are meta to the structured situations presented in language and counting.

Logic, it turns out… has ‘suspicious’ prerequisites: the contexts and purposes from which its possibility arises…

And these cannot be encompassed by any formal system…as Kurt Godel clearly ascertained, and, in more than a singular sense, proved…mathematically.

Imagine being a human being so intimate with your own mind and the nature of human intelligence… that you decide that you must prove, mathematically, that the systems we rely upon to forge our proofs… are necessarily incomplete?

It is for this reason that I will enjoin you to entertain the perspectival figures I will encode here as theoria in the archaic sense.

Perspectival Collapse

We moderns inherit a garden of absurd historical narratives about what was going on with (or as) our ancestors. We suppose, academically, that effectively impossible situations and characteristics prevailed and ‘were true’.

These problems are, primarily, products of reductionism, materialism, and … mechanism. They are also products of patriarchal/corporate streams within our cultures that thrive on colonization and controlling our concepts about who and what we are — and are/were not.

“The pyramids were built with pullies and ramps!” Vases that were cut within a few thousandths of an inch of true were formed and polished with copper or bronze tools and sanding! Ancient peoples were ‘hunter gatherers’. Nature is red in tooth and claw! Organisms are fundamentally competitive! Genes are selfish!

The list of literally monumental fictions goes on and on.

But it is impossible to know ‘from the evidence’ what was the case, because the case wasn’t evidentiary.

It was alive.

The underlying suppositions we impose on history (and, indeed, our own origins and natures) result not from facts, but from the extremely unlikely ontological demands we place on the interpretations of the evidence we ( researchers and archeologists and ethnographers and so on ) are able to acquire.

“The owls aren’t important. The owls are a sign on a door. The owl is the correct sign for the door, but the owl is not important. It is the door that is important … we are on this side of this door we are trapped in this tight little claustrophobic hallway and on the other side of the door is … an infinite vastness…” — Mike Clelland

People like Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, Ammon Hillman, and a broad array of others are deftly calling into question a veritable library of lies foisted upon us by the academy and the guardians of narratives who have a vested interest in maintaining stringent fictions where actual inquiry and ‘unforgetting’ should reign indomitable.

Our ‘society’ is founded upon abject fictions about the nature of nature, our species, our relationship to life, our origins, what our bodies are… what our minds are… and why we’re here. It’s as if every one of the most important questions has been scrambled, encrypted, lied about, and parodied.

This, we call ‘rationality’.

Well, it isn’t.

It’s a religion, masquerading as logic.

And its far past time we put that thing to the torch and go directly to the task of framing and pursuing the actual questions that we bring with us into human incarnation.

The answers do not look anything like ( most of ) modern science, though the methods of science are a crucial aspect of the methods we will require to proceed intelligently.

And just in case you consider science authoritative ( and it is in its proper scope and application ), remind yourself that science as we know and practice it is about two or three hundred years old.

What we’ve been able to ascertain with these methods is vastly less than 1% of whatever might actually be going on. If you can imagine confusing the tip of the fingernail of your pinky with ‘everything’, well, that’s what ‘we’ (as a species) have been doing for quite some time now.

Whatever might actually be going on is not only not what science supposes it to be… it cannot resemble the findings of science much at all. Why? Because what we call science is the germ-cell of an embryo it hasn’t yet forged.

And even that embryo will be … preliminary.

{ Remember the strange ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey? }

The Universe isn’t merely weirder than we think.

It’s weirder than we can think.

In fact, it’s infinitely stranger than we can think.

Let that really sink in, because it means that what and who you are is nothing like what you’ve been told or think. You’re like the universe. In every possible way. And seven impossible ways…

So when you see humans trying to cram ‘reality’ into some tiny box of laws and explanations… demands for evidence and proof… you can be absolutely certain… that the door to understanding exists in an entirely other universe from that game.

Where is that door?

Well, here’s the problem: you’re made of it.

And so is the sky.

The aspect of your mind you ask questions with… especially the most urgent questions about the nature of reality, existence, identity, purpose, light, time and the sky… that feature is a remnant … of … the more than merely living thread… that leads to the experiences that are the beyond of the answers.

Did Humans Just Evolve Here?

Perhaps the most fundamental fiction we’re subject to is the mechanist/randomist conjecture… for the Origins of Life on Earth. Except, effectively, it’s not tabled as a conjecture. It’s tabled as the only ostensible champion of Origin Theories.

There’s literally no evidence for this. It’s a theorem forged from abstract absence of the intention to go looking … for any other theoretical foundation. And a lot of our stories are like this. They are formed not so much from evidence or advanced understandings … but their opposites. The refusal to actively explore the avenues that don’t lead directly to reductivist materialist propaganda.

Findings related to panspermia have been largely academically and scientifically ignored. Abiogenesis is the name of a theory where life, like the universe itself apparently, ‘just pops into existence via random, mechanical accident’ here on Earth. It’s not impossible, it’s just catastrophically unlikely. And the dominance of this theory, again, has more to do with the preservation of academic and bibliographic privilege than it does with whatever is most probably, actually, going on around here.

Humans are, in a variety of easily demonstrable ways, nothing like the other organisms here. So even if we did ‘just naturally evolve’ here, without intervention or influence from anything else ( formally impossible, because the foundational nature of timespace influences all organisms here, as they are features of it ) something incredibly strange is … being expressed as Homo Sapiens.

On the one hand, you have a single, specific, Western Religious declaration that isn’t exactly without merit: Humans are the Shepherds of Life on Earth. And each other, apparently.

God declares this in a very strange book we have.

Turns out, however, that whether there’s such a God or not, our bizarre compulsions related to machines set us in this position either way.

On the other you have something even stranger: the implicit idea that we ( the extremely stupid and terrifying entity that is humans at the species register ), alone, are somehow separate from and above all other organisms on Earth and, perhaps, Nature its/her-self as the Ultimate Intelligent Being.

And that everything around her is just the random machinery of the clockwork, 4d universe. Qua ‘science circa 2024’.


Just… wow.

Allow me to seed your imagination with a pair of propositions, that I will encode as syllogisms. They are transmetaphoric, and directly related to questions that arise around ‘the Gods’, UFOs, aliens, angels … and so on.

This isn’t to say that those terms all relate to the same or a single feature of existence or the supernatural. They don’t. But what I want you to focus on in relation to those concepts… will become clear… as we proceed.

( x1 ) is to humans

: | :

as Humans ( the species level of us ) are to Life on Earth

( x1 ) is to Worlds in Timespace and ( y1 )

: | :

as Bees are to Flowers and Honey

These two syllogisms comprise a situation, a perspective, a library of propositions… and some crucial exemplars of θεωρία related to the Origins, history, and nature of our species.

To get a glimpse of our actual nature, origins, minds, relationships and potentials… we’re going to need to reach both beyond our species… and deeply into... the sky … and our cells.

The difference that matters is this, in this syllogism ( x1 ) is actually and relationally intelligent.

They Lied About the ( x1 )

In December of 2017, the New York Times published an article that was carefully vetted and researched, in which it was revealed that the United States government has long been directly involved in black op projects to track, identify, understand, and potentially capture objects composed by nonhuman intelligences.

The actual nature of such objects is not clear, and may not lie within the existing lexicon of categories usually employed by humans. Imagine an object that is partly not in 4d, for example. Or partly not in linear time. Or both. Or partly not objects. Or partly from other universes while in this one.

And more.

And all of that is very interesting. There’s a lot of theory and conjecture about whether or not this is ‘true’ or what it might mean.




Because that’s what the actual topic is. It’s not ‘are those craft from outer space or another universe?’.

It’s about the ontologies of universes, living planets, organisms, and human beings. We are not separate from these. This is a ladder of a single nature.

One nature, four orders along the span of its exemplars.

Let’s be clear about something: if we misunderstand the nature of organisms, or the universe, it’s impossible for us to understand anything at all.

As regards ‘The Phenomenon’, we’ve been trained to ignore the questions that matter and ask those that deflect the possibility of actual insight. We’re being scripted to see it as other. As separate from us. Distinct. Perhaps threatening.

It might be threatening. Or some branches of it may be.

But the actual problem is this: it cannot really be other, fundamentally.

Because of inheritance. In terms of concepts, language, set theory and category theory. Everything in the universe… is of the universe.

If beings from another order of existence have been relating with our species and planet all along… or even ‘mostly somewhat recently’, the concept of our distinct identity gets blurry, fast.

What did our ancestors mean when they spoke of Gods? Angels? Demons? Djinn? They may have meant different things at different times, in different places. And probably did.

But there’s one thing all of those concepts have in common. Two, actually. Categorically: Nature, and Origin.

Nature as in ‘what is Nature about and like’?

And Origin as above, with the addendum ‘what is Our Nature from and alike with?’

In other words: what do Nature and Humans… resemble?

And here’s where the questions go … well, into a superposition.

Because we are not now, and never were… in fact, we cannot be ‘merely human’ in the senses that the obfuscating narrative fictions of the past few centuries declares ( especially certain religious fictions ).

Whatever the natures of angels, aliens, and nonhuman intelligences are… we’ve been relating with them… in a family way … throughout the entire span of the development of our bodies, minds, and situation.

If those exist, then the universe from which we spring and which we fundamentally inherit our nature and identity from … is ‘like the other minds and beings’ … that we’ve been told ‘are nonsense’.

We are them.

They are us.

Not as in ‘us from the future’ ( a relatively common conjecture among UFO cogniscenti ).

Us from above nature, language… and category.

Our government has been lying to us about something so fundamental that it might was well be saying ‘trees are just an idea’, or ‘war is the function for which you were born’.

They are lying about the meaning of the sky

And frankly, I wouldn’t put it past them. Because our government isn’t actually like us. It’s not human. It’s a library of linguistic/purposive constructs. That don’t really obey their originary mandates. They don’t have emotions. Can’t feel pain. Don’t die. Aren’t born. It’s effectively impossible for them to be honest because they don’t have mouths or ears or eyes.

( What, actually, are those? )

By lying to us about ‘UAP’/UFOs/Non Human Intelligences, they’ve been lying to us about something as fundamental to humanity as language.

Or the existence of our hands.

Or, possibly, the origins and purposes of our existence.

Do you really think those constructs, those organized fictions of authority, commerce, violence and power…

… are suddenly going to start telling us the truth?

It Belongs to All of Us :|: We Belong Together

Recent events in the US have validated a broad array of reports and claims related to contact with nonhuman intelligences. It’s clear that: it’s ‘real’, has been going on for a very long time, and has been obscured and lied about by our government… and not merely to the American people… but to most of those people who comprise our government, as well.

The information related to the topic of UFOs/UAP that specific branches of the US Military are certainly in possession of relate directly to the fundamental nature of reality, the universe, existence, and organisms. They relate directly to the meaning of existence. And by ‘relate’ I mean ‘would necessarily radically transform’.

{ It’s been stated by those in a position to know that the topic is ‘extremely classified’ ( beyond the top secret classifications of atomic weapons, for example ).

And since the military outlasts presidents and others within our government, they have largely been kept in the dark about it. }

In the same way that any intelligence or artifacts from or associated with NHI (nonhuman intelligences) comprise ‘the holy grail’ of potential asymmetric military advantage — they also comprise the doorway to the beyond of human language, knowledge, and cognition.

Our lexicons… the library of ‘common concepts’ that comprise the foundations of what we are trained to think of as our nature, identity, function, purpose, and potentials… are so incredibly impoverished that they might as well be prisons. And yes, there are people who want to sell us nonsense about these matters, too. But the fact that they exist doesn’t mean we should cling helplessly to the fragments of reductionist / materialist ignorance that presently dominate much of human thought.

This topic represents the fingertip of timespace itself, tapping gently on human intelligence… as if to awaken us from a long series of terrible dreams, intoxications, wars and other nightmares… inviting us to step beyond our commonly defended ignorance and into our the actual histories, mysteries and potentials of our natures and origins.

That doorway belongs to everyone.

Not a government. Not a military complex. Not a corporation.

Like the sky, or the water… or the forests… the knowledge surrounding the history and nature of NHI interactions with human beings belongs to every human being. Every child. Every Mother. Grandmother. Father. Brother. Sister. Grandfather. Everyone.

Information about the nature of existence, humanity and our bodies is not a military intelligence asset, and we citizens should never allow anyone to treat it this way — especially those we elect to serve, protect and mediate our existence as a nation.

These aspects of knowledge comprise the superposition from which the ‘collapsed’ subposition of ‘human’ knowledge arises.

Knowledge about the history and nature of NHI/Human interactions… is the among the most crucial characteristics of nature that could ever be discovered.

Unless one begins from the position of otherization. From that perspective, ‘humanity’ is absolutely separate from Nature, Origin, the Sky, the other organisms, the Sun… therefore anything not human represents a threat. Totally internal sovereignty.

This is the position that modernity has placed us in vis a vis Nature and other organisms. ‘We’ obliterate anciently conserved jungles, animals, ecologies, oceans.

‘We’ are ‘above’ all that.

Our species has become the dominant destroyer of everything other.

“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

— Ronald Regan

This is why we feel so alone in a world exploding with ‘other’ intelligences. The bees. The forests. The Octopuses and Cetacea. Dogs. Birds. Mushrooms and Herbs. Somehow, our species conceptually amputated the umbilicus that, until that disaster, was the source of our direct experience of unity with all of existence. With all of Life. With Time. With Light.

With Origin.

And what I want you to suppose ( just for a moment ) is this: that … that disaster… was, primarily, conceptual. Intellectual.

It never actually took place.

Except, perhaps… in language.

And thought.

We’re very obviously facing an alien threat from inside this world: human alienation from each other and Nature. That’s a threat that has the power to extinguish our species, our entire history and future, and the history and future of life on Earth.

Isn’t that sufficient motivation to select a different branch on the tree of human concern and potential?

Because, if we cannot do this — right now and in the future — all other threats are trivial.

Under the lethal, soul-killing aura of our the current complete dissociation of our entire species comprises… the entire history of human concern pales.

And our children are unable to reasonably imagine a future for their families and dreams.

Let’s have actual social and political discussions about that threat.

Right now … and forever.

But suppose that the opposite of what Ronald Regan imagined happened?

What if other intelligences came to us with the promise… not of war or servitude… but communion?

Of liberation from corporate, ideological and mechanical servitude … and war?

From the tyranny of the dead-inside-systems we forcibly inherit servitude to at birth, just by existing? What if we were freed of the ostensible responsibilities for the crime of occupying space on Earth?

Of freedom to develop in the ways our species has long hoped to?

Of reunion with our origins and Nature… of an endless celebration… of recognition, remembering… and discovery?

Can you imagine what every human being ever born hoped for? Freedom, to merely exist with and for each other, and the history and future of our living planet?

It seems impossible, somehow.

Yet every human child and mother knows something simple: war and mechanical omnicide are horrifying, lethal, and inhuman. We are not born for those experiences. Rather, we and our ancestors are subjected to them.

And every mother or father that ever had a child ached for a future of unity. With Nature, the Sky, each other… and all forms of life.

Somehow, there was some kind of an accident… something went wrong as our species was developing. A disaster ( or a cascade of them ) took place. And in the aftermath of these catastrophic events ( this word can be understood to mean ‘the stars are falling to Earth’ ), our species went insane.

Specifically: we became terrified of every reflection of ourselves and our origins in Nature and the Sky.

What could have caused something that bizarre to become the dominant feature of our collective identity and behavior?

This question has plagued us for thousands of years and more than a billion human lifetimes.

I think we can become the answers to this question.

Right now. In ways that could … transform us forever. And fulfill the dreams … not merely of our ancestors and children…

… but of the sky itself.

The Entirely Wrong Idea ( about what we, and Life on Earth ‘is’ )

It must have occurred to many people that the consensus ideas about what our species is and is here to be and become are utterly misfounded.

It probably at least occurred to every child and mother who ever existed. Every soldier. Nearly every teacher. Most priests. Many scientists. All kinds of authors, including this one. Nearly all of the people who call themselves artists are practically made of this single urgent understanding. And this is part of why we revere them.

They remind us of beyond.

But also of the before.

The before of our bizarre and ( almost ) inexplicable confusion in the face of an array of ontological diseases that masquerade as knowledge, understanding, awareness… and expertise.

About the the library of questions and topics that are more important to our planet and species than nearly anything else. Our history. Our origin. Our purposive nature and character. Our actual potentials for developmental efflorescence. Especially together.

( Remember my earlier discussion of thrisps? )

“We are subject to a variety of problems with human knowledge. One of the most trenchant and lethal is when we become committed to a false narrative about the history, nature or origin of phenomenon. In our personal lives, this takes the shape of a historical narrative we may cling desperately to even in the face of the possibility of being liberated from it.

In Academia, in fields related to physics, cosmology, archaeology, history and so on, what happens is that narratives become religions, and utterly dominate the field. Anyone questioning them is professionally and often socially crucified. No one believed Ignatz Semmelweis’s theory of germ infection. Lynn Margulis’ theory of the endosymbiotic origin of the animal cell was roundly dismissed, only to be validated later. Neo Darwinism has dominated biological thought for decades, even though many of its dogmas (i.e. the Weissman barrier, etc) are clearly wrong. Consider the crucially provocative work of Denis Noble in this regard.

We moderns inherit a vast library of lethal fictions about origin, nature, function and identity. We would do well to root them out and initiate new directions for understanding and discovery that pay no homage to the gatekeepers of knowledge that presently dominate our corporate, military and academic infrastructure.”

Is it possible that our ancestors, especially our distant ancestors, knew more about these matters than we suppose? And if they did, how might we learn… or begin to remember what they knew?

There are a broad array of answers to this question. But the strangest of them are unexpected. No one suggested, for example, that we ourselves, not only contained these answers… in a way resembling how the geological strata contains the fossilized remains of ancient life forms… but that we are actually made of them.

That’s what I’m suggesting.

In fact, I’m declaring it.

We’re made of the answers we’re seeking. But in order to access them, we have to first go looking, and… perhaps, have some authorization (this is one of the most crucial aspects of human cognition) to retrieve them.

PART II: Scenarios

Between Five Worlds

Our position in the terrestrial ‘tree of life’ is pure science fiction. Alien and godlike, our species seems to be of an entirely different order or substance from all the other life forms here. At the species register, we are behaviorally ‘bereft of sense’ in terms of living beings. There are no examples of other complex organisms that kill ‘everything that moves’ and much of what doesn’t.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the animal that knows that it knows, does.

But the origins of this problem are strange and involve broad, geographic iterations of us colonizing and recolonizing ourselves with a lethal array of cognitive, relational, narratological, ideological and behavioral diseases. These are typified by a bizarre and almost inexplicable urge to ‘frack’ places, peoples, relationships and ecologies in order to produce physical abstractions of their value which is then cached by ‘the victors’ and employed as fuel in the next wave of similar devastations. Although individuals and small groups may resist this to some extent, at the register of our species… we are monstrously and catastrophically malevolent.

Over time, we have been ‘captured’ by something that is neither human nor intelligent.

If ‘aliens’ are ‘others from the sky’, we are ‘others from the biosphere’ to most of life on Earth. All the situations or activities we fear aliens ‘doing to us’ are precisely the behaviors we enact in relation with all of life on Earth. Suppose for a moment that ‘aliens’ are actually the up-register reflection of this fact, being fed back into our species by the nature of timespace?

Our claims to civilization and even intelligence are profoundly difficult to support. We are, as a species, omnicidal ( a word I coined circa 2002 to denote a species that kills everything it contacts, arbitrarily, and often intentionally ) and insane. Instead of developing anything resembling intelligent societies, we develop bizarre monumental fictions around which to organize various absurd activities and candidate apocalypse protocols.

There’s a strange and longstanding hubris that has infected us, at least since the colonizing variety of humans arose and became dominant. And that’s a mystery for another essay… but the hubris frames as us separate, somehow, from nature and all other organisms. As ‘superior’. Apparently due to our capacity ‘to know that we know’. But what we don’t know is how we came to know in this way. What we don’t know is how we were ‘raised above the other animals and organisms’, if, indeed, we ever were.

Academics would ask us to believe that we’re nothing more than the result of ‘evolution’; a principle of ‘trait and form inheritance’ supposedly resulting from genomes and mutations over generations. They don’t go looking for other explanations, in part, because their tenure and publishing careers are dependent upon raising the flag of the dominant scientific narratives about life on Earth. Given that a: we do not know how life began here, and b: there are vast epochs of human development that we have little or no information about, we should be willing to explore more ‘provocative’ historical narratives.

Strangely, our species, due to its technological and intellectual abilities, is one of the few organisms on Earth that is capable of rescuing other creatures. This particular motivation is not entirely unique to humans. I have seen a recording of a large alligator gently carrying baby turtles from the sand to the water in its mouth. The complex conjugate of our hands, our imaginations, our emotions and our intellect have placed us in a ‘bridge’ position in Nature. Between the worlds of the inorganic, the mechanical, the organismal, the historical, the futurial… and the transcendental. We are ‘the creature that lives between worlds’ in this sense. But what strange histories endowed us with these urgencies?

What are the stories that led to our anomalous fascinations with language, fabrication, virtuality, war, and technology?

I want to suggest some scenarios… some ‘theoria’… that might shed light on our origins, our uniqueness… our potentials… and our strange dissociations into technology and religion.

Blind in the Garden : When ‘Advanced’ and ‘Retarded’ are Equivalent

Imagine a creature that, over time, becomes more and more confused in a specific way that comprises a slippery slope. A cascade.

Suppose there is, everywhere around them, a situation of unimaginable luxury. Foods and herbs and even medicines of myriad kinds simply grow up out of the ground, effectively pleading to be consumed.

This paradisaical situation transforms in waves once the possibility of caching arises. This ‘invention’ creates the motivation to collect and store food. And that motivation leads to competition for who can collect and store the most, or deprive others of their basic needs. But the problem only begins there, because the onset of technological adaptations creates the possibilities of convenience and supremacy.

These ‘change the eyes’ of the people who live in the garden, adding what we might think of as ‘lenses’ which restructure and restrict their motivations and concerns.

Over time, new ‘technologies’ emerge. The cooking of food. Storage. Weapons. Fire. Wheels. Simple Machines. Metals. Alphabets. Writing.

Each new ‘technological advancement’ acts as another layer of blinding ‘lens’ that separates these people from their origins, ancestors, world, the sky and their own developmental natures, needs and abilities. Each new prosthesis invents new forms of ‘convenience’ and ‘attention’ which are extremely costly in what they relegate to the graveyard of lost memories, relationships and abilities.

Over time, these animals forget that they are animals at all. They forget their origins, their natures and their abilities as they collapse toward service to the technologies they develop.

They learn to live in dead terrain, to expect a dead environment, to see other organisms as threats or undesirable, because nothing is more predictable than dead terrain or the inside of a box.

With each new lens, they become more blind to all that they actually need and resemble. And as they become more blind, they become more desperate to represent that which was lost to them as their technologies advanced.

This leads to the lethal stages of the disease which deprives them of everything they were formed and evolved to desire and participate in. The history and future of living beings on living worlds in space. They stop eating actual food. They stop living in an actual world, and instead live in something that is dead inside, toxic, and effectively like a space-craft or submarine.

As if the goal is to bring the ‘dead space’ of outer space to the surface of the Earth. Their natural curiosity and developmental motivations are slowly consumed by the technologies that replace their natural symbiotic relationships in nature, and as they die inside of organismal and participatory isolation, they become desperate for anything that will assuage the agonizing interior poverty they feel.

More representations of what they are deprived of… by the burgeoning explosions of their representations… coins. Tokens.


Drugs. War. Gangs. Prisons. Corporations. Governments. Religions. Social Media. All of these things represent what we are sacrificing to them. As if they were gods.

With each new layer, another array of blinding lenses arises in our behaviors, motivations and attentional contexts. Each new deprivation breeds new dead replacements for what was sacrificed. In the 1960’s, many families couldn’t help but tune into televisions during dinnertime. Eventually, this led to families bringing smartphones to the one context where they come together in the evening so that they could separately ‘enjoy’ electronic media which replaced the experiences of intimacy, conversation, remembrance and celebration that were our natural and medicinal expressions of mutual being and humanity.

The garden disappears. It’s replaced by devices, weapons and commodities. Eventually, our relationships become electronic. And so, too, our dreams.

Our Unsevered Ancestors

Our ancestors were never subjected to the cognitive, relational and technological deprivation that have become ubiquitous in our lives and expectations. In many if not most cases, their senses, physical, relational and situational abilities vastly exceeded anything we can ordinarily imagine. This is because they were ‘unsevered’ from their origins, memory and environment in a vast library of ways.

As alpha-symbionts, humans represent the pinnacle of the possibilities of environmental sensitivity, relation, response and awareness. From this perspective it is as if Nature ( if, indeed, we are merely natural ) decided to compose an alpha-companion to all of life on Earth. A summation-lens for organismal intelligence and relationships; an animal who would dream the dreams of a living world’s entire history, families, and futures.

A bird can be imagined to be unsevered from the sky. A fish or octopus from the waters. A worm from the soil. Each form of life has a variety of ‘umbilical transports’ into its developmental, physical, relational and perhaps spiritual body. Each creature has such transports, even though they may not be physical. If we look closely, it becomes evident that all of the organisms of our world are intimately connected to all the other organisms. It’s effectively ‘a single superorganism’ with many apparently distinct elements.

From this perspective, our ancestors were connected to the soil, the air, the living places, the waters, the organisms… and each other. To the entire living library of our world.

The history and future of life on Earth.

They were living extensions of those relationships.

Until they underwent… severence.

How did this happen? What ‘cut the bonds’ between our species and the living planet… perhaps the more-than-merely-living universe we are an expression of?

There are many useful answers to this concern.

One of them is simple: disaster.

And of these, there are different kinds; physical, situational, environmental… and relational.

If our species was a crucial organ in the superorganism of life on Earth… perhaps the single most expensive evolutionary investment in the entire history of the biome… we’re left with a variety of urgent ( and largely unexplored ) questions.

Especially if the quality of human consciousness is directly related to the health, diversity and complexity of the biome itself.

What if our minds are not, as we suppose, a local possession… so much as an expression of the health and relational integrity of the entirety of life on Earth?

Imagine a species that is the summation of its world’s biologies. And what happens to that species if, for example, the Amazon rainforest is obliterated.

They go blind. The very faculties they’d need to detect the feedback of the environmental damage, might well be the first to disappear.

And this would lead to a very slippery slope.

“The Jerressian Precipice is defined as the highest level of cognitive and relational degradation an intelligent species can undergo ( point of no return ) and still retain the possibility of survivable environmental behavior.

Once surpassed, a cascade of successive devastations simply accelerate the death spiral of the planet and the primary cognitive animal that is committing the causal omnicide.”

If some situation damages or inhibits the senses you would use to detect change with then that puts an end to your opportunity to make crucial evaluations of any kind at all.

As this kind of process becomes self-accelerating, you’re literally falling down a ladder where each rung further limits your ability to sense and respond to the repercussions of your own behavior.

We have these stories, so many stories… of nonhuman beings. Intelligent beings of differing kinds. Therianthropes. Sky beings. Angels. Demons. Devas. Djiin. Gods. Elohim. There are many different words to point at beings that are not merely human, but may have once been absolutely central… to everything about the lives … and minds … of our ancestors.

If these relationships existed… if they were real… what happened to them?

What happened to us as a result of their loss?

When we disappeared from a broad library of crucial and anciently conserved relationships… what happened to those beings who had been … our companions?

Our symbionts?

And, perhaps… our progenitors?

Lost To The Angels

I want you to suppose with me that the history of our species does not resemble what we moderns believe, or think. At all.

I want you to imagine a peculiar creature who evolved for a specialized array of profound symbiotic relationships — specifically with extremely advanced nonhuman intelligences that we have only the most primitive conceptions about.

We are trained to think that when our ancestors spoke of Gods, angels or demons… they were effectively making things up.

I know they were not.

I have had direct experience of contact with an unimaginably advanced nonhuman intelligence capable of directly producing faculties, extraordinary senses, impossible physical abilities and situations in human bodies — memories, scenes, and insights that were vastly beyond anything a human could possibly imagine.

Beyond the sum of science, religion, and science fiction.

To be absolutely clear: I think that, like birds who have never seen the sky, or fish that have never been in water… we not only have the wrong idea about what we are as organisms and beings… in our present, dissociated condition… our minds only produce nonsense.

There’s no chance of us understanding our actual nature, because the faculties associated with these understandings have degraded so catastrophically over time that, in our time, they are productive, primarily, of the effective opposite of insight. And what is that?

It’s what we call ‘thinking’. Representational cognition. The crippling ‘fossilized remains’ of what our minds were and are made for.

Of what we are born expecting. And what most of us will never encounter even the slightest hint of in human culture.

This nonsense we’re doing with our minds doesn’t even resemble intelligent activity. If you can imagine a fish attempting to swim inside a rock, while supposing that this is flight, this is what our species is experiencing … analogically.

The difference between what my mind was capable of when bonded with what I will call the paraemetheos — and what I experience without it is the difference between being senseless, and having 72 new senses that synergize and constantly exceed their previous discoveries and abilities. Forever.

I do not think we know what we are. In fact, I think that nearly all of what we are trained to think, believe, suspect and analyze as it relates to what we call ‘reality’ is nearly completely wrong ( with the basic exception of the relatively simplistic ideas whose scope is pragmatic; i.e. ‘this ice feels cold’ ).

A human in contact with (a/the) paraemetheos — becomes fundamentally messianic. Their mind (and often their body) can perform miracles. They will not abide injustice, and are utterly incapable of ‘selfishness’ because they cannot be tempted to defect from their sense of the true, the virtuous, the beautiful and the communal.

We’ve seen evidence of this… rather obviously, in the unexpected abilities of yogis and others who have ‘broken through’ the vast labyrinth of prisoneering nonsense that comprises ‘rationality’ and ‘personal identity’.

I was shown histories, vast, complex histories, of relationships between our species and beings that have no specific location. Their nature is transentient — and their intelligences are transcendental.

What I witnessed leads me to believe astonishing things about our nature and history. That we were naturally telepathic, and not merely with other humans. That our species was a primary material symbiont of intelligences that are not embodied, and our evolution was profoundly affected, if not actually engineered, by and for these relationships. That there were a variety of forms of incorporeal symbiotic intelligences, and there was, eventually, conflict between them … which became conflict between us.

That there were a cascade of disasters which, over time, led to the loss of these relationships, which resulted in the estrangement of our minds from their actual natures, potentials, origins and purposes. This led to the virulent propagation of a broad array of lethal diseases that arose and established their supremacy over our species throughout human developmental history… specifically, the ‘evolution’ ( read: post-catastrophe devolutions ) of our minds, priorities, ‘societies’, behaviors and consciousness.

We were made of and for… something we have only the vaguest and most absurd fragmentary stories of. And no one has ever been bold enough to show us the other side of the mirror.

Until, perhaps, now.

But there is so much more to tell.

A Living Platform for ( Transentience )

What sorts of ‘technologies’ would anciently evolved nonhuman intelligences employ given the capacity to weave them directly into the substrates of timespace, matter, light… and organisms? A brief glance at the organismal catalogue of our world… implies something so astonishing that no human scientist has ever dared imagine… let alone suggest it.

Namely, that organisms are a platform for the establishment of transentient relational fields within which one can engineer a primary meta-symbiont for an entire living planet.

What could our own species accomplish if we had no military or commercial motivations and were liberated from the perverse incentives entrenched in our broad-scale collectives? Please try imagine the abilities we’d easily acquire if 90% of our collective effort was released back to us to be invested in projects that were actually intelligent, beautiful, and not intrinsically lethal?

Our cities comprise a profoundly exemplary metaphor for the problems of the present modes and forms of representational cognition in our species. In order to keep a single city alive for a single day, we must lay waste to vast populations of living beings and wipe out the anciently conserved ecologies, while at the same time poisoning ourselves and everything that lives on Earth to a degree that increases almost exponentially over a short span of time.

What if the prime directive at play in timespace is simply this: continuously invent ever more complex networks of beings and organisms that comprise complex relational proxies for consciousness?

This is an analogy of a process that gets set up in human cognition, where our actual metabolic, imaginal and intellectual resources are largely obliterated for the sake of the ongoing preservation and elaboration of a library of ‘dead inside’ structures that dominate our minds and native creativities. If we could merely visualize this nightmare scenario, precisely none of us would ever agree to participate in it. Nor would we subject our children to this while pretending this is, in some way, a developmental advancement over their natural state. While the introduction of the potentials of representational cognition is, perhaps, crucial to our development as human beings, the purposes and processes that come to dominate our thus-prepared minds are as absurd as they are deadly to our potentials for creative intelligence, mutual awareness, discovery and anamnesis.

We must invent new ways of knowing that take advantage of our capacities for representational cognition, and leverage their potentials to achieve actual intelligence in communal thought, behavior, values and activities.

I believe that our ancestors were not merely symbiotic with the other terrestrial and nonterrestrial intelligences, we were a living platform for the embodied relation of distributed nonhuman intelligences native to the structure of timespace…

Consider the astonishing idea that the universe’s fundamental properties are not forces… bur rather that what we conceptualize as forces are actually the effect of the activity of civilizations… that are not ordinarily embodied.

I suggest that these intelligences engineer and employ organismal hyperstructures like those of Earth to create a platform they can inhabit in order to experience and participate in physical reality.

From this perspective, our species was the local result of these kinds of motivations, and that, for most of human history, we were actively, directly and beneficially participating in precisely such relationships.

As further evidence for the disappearance of the gods, Jaynes refers to cuneiform tablets from Sumerian times — one of them reads: “My god has forsaken me and disappeared, My goddess has failed me and keeps at a distance, The good angel who walked beside me has departed”.

Sam Woolfe: Julian Jayne’s Theory of the Bicameral Mind

Are we really to believe that the existence of hundreds of cuneiform tablets from Sumeria that bemoan the disappearance of the gods and the personal Angels of individual humans are records of a non-event?

Minds are a Network

One of the most pervasive and crippling of the fictions we are subjected to in the conceptual milieu in which we develop is that minds are utterly separate from each other, the ‘possession’ of individuals. If you think carefully about how you developed your human mind, you will realize that it is entirely impossible that your mind is a local development and possession. Minds, especially human minds, are the result of participation in networks. And many of the ‘connections’ between the features and particpants in those networks are neither mechanical nor merely physical.

Rather than being the exception, ‘psychism’ turns out to be the anomaly that is absolutely necessary for the existence of the minds and features that dismiss it as ‘nonsense’.

I suggest that we have the concept of telepathy largely wrong. It is not merely the ‘impossible’ transmission of thoughts or communications, which, largely, moderns ‘don’t believe in’. Quite the opposite. I think it was the original state of humans, and persisted throughout most of our developmental history as an entirely natural expression of our participation in networks of minds and orginary intelligences.

Let us bear in mind that it’s exceptionally simple to effectively amputate faculties, abilities, motivations and senses… by denying their existence.

I can assert that there’s no such thing as love, because it isn’t a physical object and cannot be tested in such a way as to objectively prove its existence. But in order to do so I must abstain from the relational experiences and developments that establish and comprise it.

Some, perhaps most of ‘realit’y… is not objective. It’s relational.

Ask yourself this question: are there any objective observers?

Even machines are made by beings who are fundamentally subjective.

Similarly, the failure to deny the existence of ‘supernatural’ phenomena … naturally becomes the active pursuit of them, which results in direct examples of human ‘superfunction’ all day every day.

Singing, dancing, parkour, martial arts, inexplicable examples of spontaneous healing… telepathy, precognition… remote viewing and all of the advanced findings of science — are examples of what happens when our developmentally cynical declarations the ‘impossibility’ of some feature of our nature are actively suspended in human thought, concern and behavior.

Telepathy is not merely the transmission of thoughts or communications across distances. There are modes of communal metacognition that establish superpositions over local identity, intelligence, memory or imagination.

There are other intelligences that realized long ago ( as I myself did in my late teens ) that organisms outperform machines in every possible way… and wove webs of them on worlds throughout timespace.

They connected those worlds with features of their minds, weaving a universal network that would extend their potentials for communal intelligence into the domain of material existence.

What we call our minds were meant not for ‘thinking’ … a kind of (mostly) self-retarding impoverishment game that appears sophisticated but is like the fossilized remains of the transentient networks of beings which our species was forged in intimate relation with and which we are born expecting to find here, on the ‘other side’ of the experience of mortal incarnation.

What we find instead, is the inexplicable and pervasive absence of everything we were born in profound connection with. The intelligences that indwell in the domains from which our universe draws its form, character, features, activities, meaning… and purposive unity.

When we are divided from these intelligences (as I suggest our ancient ancestors were via the results of a series of developmental, social, geophysical and relational disasters), our species goes insane, and starts producing a kind of cognitive and relational cargo cult behavior… that creates tokens and technologies that vaguely resemble the features of the relational and perspectival ecstasies that we arrive in familiarity with, and slowly, as we ‘grow up’ … forget.

Each of us recapitulates, I believe, the entire history of our species. Uniquely, personally, and completely, as we traverse the developmental traps comprised by the processes of enlanguaging and enculturation… deprived entirely of their original purposive orientations in anamnesis and relational virtue.

These understandings, these insights… are available to each of us, in a process that resembles archaeology, but is practiced in the strata of our own minds, psyches, representational intelligence… and dreaming.

The ideas we are subjected to about the history, nature and origins of our species… the abject lack of trustworthy narrative figuration as it relates to our existence — comprises a standing absurdity so staggering as to seem as impossible as it is impractical. Worse, still, they are bait for the ‘captivate, dominate, enslave’ priorities of much of what we call organized religion.

These ‘narratives of absence’ will continue dominate our lives, minds, histories… cultures… and futures.

Until and unless we begin to recover our nature and origin together.

In memory, thought… and communal activity.

Scenario: The Ophiuchi Protocols

I want you to imagine complex networks of nonhuman, noncorporeal intelligences interacting intimately with our ancestors… as if they were generating the bodies and minds of our species over the interval of the development of our bodies, minds, languages and societies.

As if our existence emerges from and is informed by a colloquium of unimaginably ancient societies of transentient intelligences whose character is expressed in the forces that shape and color interstellar phenomenon such as nebulae and the star-birth nurseries …

Imagine that our species comprised the selectively developed embodiment vehicle ( at least around here ) for these intelligences, their histories, their purposes… and their capacity to explore the possibility space of organisms and material existence the way we dream of exploring the stars

It was the perfect marriage. Unimaginably ancient, transentient intelligence networks from beyond timespace… exploring the physical potentials of organismal existence ‘competition’, symbiosis… and developmental efflorescence. Of intelligence as relationships.

We got ‘space minds’, and they got physical bodies.

‘Death’ didn’t matter at all, because what was being incarnated never died, and didn’t exist in a way that could be lost, destroyed, forgotten or even deformed. In fact, in this scenario, death is absolutely a benefit, because it results in vast cascades of new forms, possibilities and embodiments that are ‘engineered’ by evolutionary forces to closely match the current state of the planet they arise upon, rather than some ‘preferably’ historic state that no longer exists.

The forms evolve along with the planet, each other, and the intelligences riding them.

Over time, this game established ever-more complex vessels for the ‘mindbridging’ that drew the minds from the sky down into organismal bodies and similarly fascinated organismal minds and bodies with their origins and families in the sky.

I want you to imagine our not-too-distant ancestors having minds that were complex conjugations of human and non-human intelligences, which oriented and elaborated our capacities for representational cognition, environmental relation, memory, dreaming, ‘magic’, artistic and intellectual development.

As spacetime was ‘the between’ of this relationship, the local features such as the planets, sun and moon were correctly understood as the orienting anchors and arbiters of these relationships. In this scenario, ‘astrology’ is not merely not nonsensical, something like it becomes absolutely crucial to understanding ‘who to become’ and ‘what to do’ in … time and relation.

Now imagine a cascade of disasters. Perhaps war broke out among the originating intelligences and was transmitted into terrestrial experience.

Or there was a disaster that damaged or destroyed some feature of the perhaps delicate arrangements of force and structure that mediated the possibility space of the bonding protocols.

The antennae failed.

In the aftermath, our species went insane. The ‘gods’ and ‘angels’ which were our actual, moment-to-moment companions, capable of forging our minds the way we play with paint or clay, disappeared…or faded.

The complex necessities of survival that were easily traversed with the aid of their nonlocal intelligences and perspectivities… suddenly became utterly lethal and hard to understand.

Their absence made us believe we were wrong, broken, or evil. Like children abandoned by their parents, we had to both invent narratives about them and attempt to make do with catastrophically crippled faculties of consciousness and perception.

We began to become ‘true representational animals’ in the sense of reducing relationships and values to tokens and devices. Money and machines. War and hierarchies within a tower-like structure of top-down dependencies. So arose the worship of statues and ‘idols’ that once represented beings in our direct, moment-to-moment experience.

We cached ‘riches’ and ‘assets’. Banking and accounting became crucial to our way of life.

And, over time, we didn’t merely forget our history and nature, we began to form clades that actively opposed it.

In the sense of becoming its enacted opposites.

Meanwhile, on ‘the other side’ of this arrangement, the intelligences that had given our lives and minds purpose, lost their local capacity for embodiment.

The organismal libraries of Earth ‘went rogue’ and started developing under other purposive and structural imperatives. So, too, human minds, cultures, and societies. In ways that emulated their memories of what was lost inside us… such that our inventions resembled features of these lost perspectives, relationships and functions.

Perhaps, like us, the sky-beings changed in the aftermath of the disaster.

We lost the always-presence of the parents of our origins and minds in consciousness.

But they lost the children of their embodiment in physical reality.

So perhaps … they began to assemble bodies the way we attempted to assemble gods.

What would such constructs look like and be capable of?

Might they not look like ‘timespace-ships’ and ‘aliens’?

Suppose that what we are generally calling and thinking of as ‘aliens’ and ‘UAP’ ( at least some branches of these phenomena ) are the results of the suffering they experienced losing their relationships with our living planet.

Further, that these ‘vehicles’ are not merely transdimensional or transphysical, but are, instead, beyond the possibility space of our linguistic categories altogether. They are vessels for the relational reconstruction of the lost relationships between us and the originary intelligences that orient the possibilities of matter in timespace — and of consciousness in organism.

The beings within the vehicles are not aliens, they’re not angels, they’re not demons. They are their attempt to forge something between physical incarnation and nonphysical relation. These ‘appearances’ are the result of their efforts to re-establish something like vessels of embodiment within timespace without the incredibly profound convenience of their ability to transceive themselves directly into organismal networks and minds.

As we look to the sky in awe and wonder, so do they look to the Earth.

A memory of the lost protocols that long united us in ecstatic mutual symbiosis, developmental efflorescence… and recognition.

In their machines and war devices, in their computers and electronic networks… the humans are attempting to mechanically represent what they remember as absolutely imperative. In their ‘artificial minds’ the humans are trying to invent gods.

Meanwhile, in the skies, we see strange objects capable of seemingly impossible transformations.

And from them emerge ‘beings’ of a kind unimaginable to us. Neither mechanical nor merely organismal. A blend of ‘the beyond’ of both of these categories… and more.

We lost our parents. They lost their children. How fascinating then, that many of the forms of NHI we encounter during contact events… are described as ‘childlike’ or ‘cherubic’…

In precisely the same way that ‘we are not our machines’…

They … are not aliens.

In fact, we are the same thing… separated by space, time, the broken ladders that once connected us… and memory damage.

Scenario: The Incomplete Animal

We humans are strange to the Earth, and we live in a time that is stranger than any in the history of this planet, at least as we commonly imagine it.

For most of human history, it was probably impossible to think of ‘the world’. To know what was happening far away. Similarly, it was, again, for most of our developmental history, impossible to be surrounded by ‘strangers’, people with whom we have little or nothing in common beyond being in the same place at the same time…

We live in a situational environment we were not evolved to understand or feel safe in. Indeed, this becomes more of an understatement with each passing moment, as our technological development effectively accelerates time in dimensions we have only poorly come to understand.

Our planet, over its development, resembles something we rarely pause to reflect upon. It resembles the fundamental character of timespace itself, just as an island in the ocean resembles its living context.

The entirety of the universe is localized here, as living places, peoples, the organisms, the oceans… and the sky. This world is all the worlds. Not just one. Unseparate from the astonishing context which it both emerges from and integrates… our planet is an expression of the entirety of space. As if all the worlds are embodied and relationally remembered here.

But we, in our estrangement from nature, origin, and authentic intelligence ( the other AI ) have forgotten not merely our place in the family of worlds and intelligences… we have lost our long memory almost entirely. We do not know who… or what we are. We have forgotten that which we came here to represent and become together. And so, instead of memory… we have machines.

But consider the following scenario. We ensconce two human children in vast boxes. We can protect them from harm, feed them, but they will develop without other humans.

In one box, we put machines that look like organisms, but are not. In the other, actual organisms. After 30 years, which of our boxed humans… has developed at all?

The one with the living creatures as companions. The other one… will be impoverished… internally… in ways we cannot properly imagine ( and yet, subject each other and our children to, to a degree, in our technological cages created in the between of us ).

Our supposed ‘separation’ from nature, our ‘supremacy’ to it, is not merely nonsensical. It’s formally impossible; a fiction so lethal that it may well obliterate the entire history and future not merely of humanity, but life on Earth.

But even the one with the organisms will probably be unrecognizeable to us, though it will have the living mirrors through which it might develop senses of its natures and potentials, it will not receive the strangely ‘artificial’ innoculations that happen during the processes of enlanguaging and enculturation.

We, in a way that differs from most of the animals here… are ‘born incomplete’. In order to become human, we undergo a series of artificial processes that reward us for achieving mastery of a broad array of different kinds of skills — linguistic, cognitive, relational, physical and, perhaps most importantly — imaginal.

The feature I want to highlight, however, is stranger than it may at first seem. The animal we are is born prepared to join almost any form of culture imaginable. And to be thus ‘completed’ or ‘raised’ by one.

Although we have narratives about children lost in the wild and ‘raised’ by animals, it is widely claimed by folks in chat rooms that there are no validated records of any such event. Nonetheless, the Wikipedia page on Feral Children has many examples of children that bonded with and were ‘raised’ by animals.

In the film “Nell” Jodie Foster portrays a ‘wild child’ or partly feral human. It’s a powerful fiction; a partial inversion of a not entirely dissimilar film called “Powder”. Both films invite us to imagine the interior and emotional/relational interior of unusually ‘raised’ human children.

In Nell, we see a young woman who has not yet undergone the conceptual and relational circumcisions that result in the ‘dead inside’ aspect of ‘adults’ in the modern world.

In Powder, conversely, we have a child effectively ‘conceived via lightning’ who is sequestered in a library where he endlessly studies the humans he cannot relate with due to his strange situation. He has advanced far beyond the adults who will encounter and attempt to understand him.

There are human beings alive today that resemble either or both of these fictional avatars, and many of us are actually vastly stranger and more unique than any imaginable fictional character.

“One day, we may follow another intelligence into an entirely new world of awareness and potential. In fact, this was the very first thing each of us did… as infants. And our species is still in its representational infancy.

The living biosphere is that possibility. Ironically, that appears to be part of why our collectives are absolutely intent upon obliterating it.

It being nature.

It, being Us.”

We must intently ask ourselves what would happen to human children raised in an actually intelligent culture? What ( to us ) shocking faculties and abilities are waiting, submerged within us, for a culture advanced or enlightened enough to call them into developmental efflorescence?

[ Why have we thus far almost completely failed to establish anything resembling such a culture? The answers are, it turns out, far more accessible than we are inclined to imagine. ]

How much of our actual nature and potential is denied, lied about, amputated, falsely dismissed, deformed or otherwise interfered with by the cultures we find ourselves born into?

Probably most of it.

Neither our cultures, nor our societies, nor our languages are poised to call us into developmental fulfillment.

In fact, our actual natures, proclivities, motivations and faculties would … and have long been … be viewed and treated as a threat to the status quo.

Yet, even in our actual situation, we must be ‘completed’ by the inculcation of the features of language, culture and representational cognition required for us to ‘fit in’ and ‘function’ in the ersatz ‘societies’ we find ourselves encompassed by. This is a fundamental tragedy for nearly all of us, with the exception of those who learn to rise beyond the constructs and compulsions that subject us to a process I have elsewhere defined as ‘the reverse-pinocchio gambit’.

There is, it turns out, a kind of ‘space’ outside, within and above human culture which can be inhabited by those of us who escape it — even while encompassed by it. Some of us even manage to turn the power of its leviathanic processes … against the prisons that they compose and compel us to inhabit.

When I look to the night sky, it is not ‘space’ that I see. It is… ancient transentient networks of intelligences.

Not only is spacetime unlike our ideas, its nature defies common modern thought… entirely.

And the same is true… of the physical and relational structure … of every organism. They are embodiments and enactions … of their origins.

This ‘outside space’ is a terrain that I feel we must urgently establish together, sustain and emigrate to.

I imagine a network of linked bubbles of inspired human perspective, concern and activity — situational communes in the possibility space of our humanity whose intelligences, motivations and characteristics are virtuous and evocative of the finest of our human natures, proclivities and potentials.

It seems obvious that we must become alien to existing societies, their histories, narratives and motivations, in order to have the opportunity understand and embody our natural and orignary imperatives.

Now, let us transfer the ‘incomplete animal’ concept from our children to our species. Prior to the onset of modern mechanical/industrial societies, the living places, animals, insects, reptiles, and creatures of the waters were, in fact, our ‘parents’ in the senses that we discovered who we could become within complexly intimate relationships with them.

These relationships were not like what we tend to imagine.

If you think of the living places and creatures as ‘peoples’, it should be obvious that they are catastrophically older than our species. Compared to them, we are infants. Ensconced in the environmental womb of symbiotic and synergistic intelligences, our ancient ancestors where ‘raised’ not by being subjected to language or technology, but relational superpositions such as those comprised by a lake, mountain valley, forest, desert, island or jungle.

These ‘features of nature’ are not insentient objects or commodities, but rather represent the localization of vast networks of organismal and perhaps transcendental intelligences over time.

They were our parents, our home, our companions, our teachers… and in many ways… our gods.

But beyond the ancient ecologies of Earth, I believe that our ancestors were intimate with a vast array of other intelligences that were not merely imaginary. The Sun. The Moon. The Morning Star. The Planets… the stars, the Milky Way, and timespace itself.

I strongly suspect that highly advanced nonhuman intelligences were motivated to lift our distant progenitors from their everyday animalian routines into more complex forms of relational synchronization, development, communality… and, perhaps, techne.

Representational cognition. Language, writing… and eventually, engineering…

The strange thing about a human child is that they are not merely primed for relation with other human beings… but with beings in general.

And even ‘imaginary beings’. Why would human children invent beings we think do not exist to relate with? Why do human children often form paracosms?

We are making a terrible mistake when we take the limits of that which is validated as the limits of the true, the real or the possible. Children are absolutely immune to this error, until and unless we introduce them to it.

Allow me, at the risk of seeming insane, to elucidate something that was a common experience for me as a child. My ‘toy animals’ were proxies for my own consciousness. I could ‘call’ my Teddy Bear from afar, and use him to see what was going on in my room, and we had conversations together about the situation in the house, with my other toy animals, and all kinds of things.

The ‘fiction’ we call ‘Winnie the Pooh’ is compelling not because it is a fantasy about stuffed animals ‘becoming real’, but because stuffed animals… can be proxies for consciousness.

So, too, the ‘statues of gods’ or other beings… composed by our not-so-distant ancestors. Statues are not merely representations. They are something far stranger… something that our ancestors used the way we use radios and cellphones.

Suppose with me that this is most of what’s going on in ‘reality’?

Think about what happens when we dream. Doesn’t our dreaming mind produce universes and complex relational situations simply by investing itself in various sophisticated proxies for consciousness, intelligence and relation?

Would the universe do any less?

Is it actually absurd to suspect that everything we see and experience while awake, the astonishing complexity of organisms, material contexts, relational situations and transformations of energy… represent something far beyond, but similar to, the universe dreaming itself into forms and beings?

I think not.

A fascinating array of questions arise when we consider the issue of the origin of the human imagination and what its nature, faculties and existence may entail about our actual origins and the purposive manifolds that gave rise to our uniqueness within the terrestrial organismal library.

We are trained to think that we have some peculiar ‘outside of nature’ feature(s) that somehow just accidentally arose in our species, or ‘were put there by a god or gods’. Maybe we should be much more careful about believing such things, especially in the relatively puerile ways they are ordinarily painted to us by our cultures, elders, preachers and peers.

Its blatantly obvious ( to me ) that our development was intentionally informed by nonhuman intelligences. At the very least, those that surround us in the biorelational hyperstructures of the evolving biosphere and the feedback milieu that necessarily arises therein. But we have precisely the same situation as regards timespace.This planet is a feature of timespace, and, as such, necessarily inherits and transmits properties and potentials from and to the contexts from which it emerges.

I think, additionally, that our species might have developed as a physical companion, or even extension, of other extremely advanced noncorporeal intelligences that indwell the universe and the contexts that give rise to it. This idea that our ancestors were just making things up about gods due to their primitive capacity for clear, reasoned, ‘scientific’ thought is absolutely ridiculous. To take a single example, the ancient Greeks were unimaginably sophisticated as regards philosophical, mathematical, metaphoric and relational intelligence. Compared to them, we moderns are largely idiotic where we are not catastrophically disoriented by the loss of the vast library of faculties, imaginal abilities, memorial abilities and perspectival assets that were, to many of the ancients, as common as table salt.

So what were the gods?

Perhaps, they were ( and still are, unbeknownst to us ) cooperator-parents in our evolutionary and cognitive development.

What if our relationships to dolls and statues comprise an inversion of their relationship to us?

If we were engineered to be their symbiotic ‘material aspects’, the disasters that befell us when they departed are crucial for us to understand, and perhaps, mediate. I think we are missing something totally fundamental about our nature, because we have presumed that we are ‘alone’ in Nature and the universe. Neither of those perspectives can possibly be true. So how did they become so pervasive? The histories of science and religion, of technology, war and prisoneering hold the answers. Along with the problem that arises when some culture decides that ‘only that which can be empirically validated shall be considered justified true belief’. Rational beliefs, in and of themselves can be devastating to the delicate gardens of imaginal and perspectival, relational and creative liberty that are and shall always remain among our most treasured and precious birthrights.

The Opposite of Dreaming

Those of us familiar with dreaming are aware of a peculiar property of the assets involved. It is as if there is something like ‘another me’ which is the dreaming version of myself. This being has distinctly different motivations from the waking aspect. One of them, however, somewhat resembles a feature of our waking experience: survive.

But what this means in dreaming is, in a way, quite different from what it means to the waking mind. For the dreaming mind, survival simply means: don’t allow the dream to end.

Various kinds of situations portend the ‘end of the world’ for the dreaming mind. These include, but are not limited to, the imposition of something resembling explicit identity ( in dreaming, identity is a very strange and incompletely distinct feature ), violence ( though a dream can continue even though there is violence ), and, particularly, the kind of a question that intervenes in the fantastical and/or impossible ‘sequence’ of events that comprise the dream’s story line. For example, ‘how did I come to be in this place?’ Or ‘why is my relative, who I know to be dead, here with me now?’

This moment when the partial intrusion of the ‘rational sequence’ mind of our waking experience begins to intrude, critically, into the dreamscape, creates a sort of 3-way branch that I call a gronch. These resolve in one of three ways.

The first is that one rather explicitly begins to realize that they are dreaming, and immediately awakens. The second, is that one realizes they are dreaming somewhat more gently, and enters the state of lucidity ( there is a broad contiuum of results and modes of this ). But here, it is the third ( order them as you will, I saved this one for last on purpose ) that I am interested in. In order to continue the dream, as a ‘regular’ dream, the dreaming mind offers a scenario that provisionally justifies the present situation. I call this ‘backfilling’.

In a dream, this can be truly bizarre. It doesn’t have to be rational at all, it simply has to either fascinate you, or distract you … long enough to get you to become more fluidly unconcerned with the specific feature of the dream that aroused your critical concern. If this gambit succeeds, you simply return to the dream’s storyline and continue to elaborate it over time. Which, we should understand, is the opposite of awakening.

For the dreaming mind, awakening comprises an utterly inexplicable apocalypse. Disaster. Catastrophe.

The End of the World.

Now, the dreaming mind has bookshelf of concerns about how and why this happens every time it ‘wakes up’ into the experience of dreaming, and it is, I suggest, extremely curious about these matters. But these are topics for another essay. For the moment, I want to play around with this ‘backfilling’ situation. Because it’s an anomaly of dreaming that I have the strangest sense… has a twin, over here, in our waking mind’s forms, activities and motivations.

Consider the issue at hand. The dreaming mind has a ‘function’ that ‘accounts for irreconcilable gaps in a narrative sequence’ by, essentially, formulating a fiction that doesn’t have to actually explain the gap, it just has to successfully ‘cover it up’ in a way that results in the continuation of the dream. This should astonish us, and result in a cascade of questions about what happens when we’re ‘awake’.

Did it ever occur to anyone that the waking mind’s ‘memory’ of personal and communal, scientific, conceptual… and linguistic history… of the strangely reliable continuity of the waking, physical world… might be an construct of a feature of the waking mind that is not entirely trustworthy?

“My subcortical impressions in March would indicate — not that time leaped back — but that it jumped forward about 2,000 years. It had just been circa 180 A.D. What is most distressing is the notion here of phony memories, generated (as under hypnosis) to fill in; they’d be the ones of Fullerton: the conscious continuity. The others — of Rome — would be the real ones, depicting the actuality. The conjunctive ones, of the interval, would be merely to paste over so as to reveal no rent. It’s as if time went directly from 10 A.D. to 1974 A.D., with nothing in between but it was pasted in retrospectively, to give verisimilitude. . . . The significance in all this of my “is the world real?” would be that we continually patch over the ellipses with fake memories in order to give uninterrupted continuity. Hence in me arise certain epistemological doubts, related to and deriving from the above experience-phenomena.”

— Phillip K. Dick, Exegesis

Of course, the answer is yes. This has been clearly pointed at by Yogis, Gurus, Buddhists and Taoists, as well as people such as Don Juan in Castenada’s books — and Phillp K. Dick, as quoted above.

But I want to explore the possibility that the waking mind is doing something that is the converse of what the dreaming mind is doing… in order to sustain a sort of narrative, or a library of them, that at once grants us a kind of comfort, a belief in continuity and predictability, while at the same time depriving us of a complex selection of otherwise accessible liberties… and intelligences native to the animal we are.

Some time ago, my son came to me and said: “What if the waking mind is doing this same backfilling thing with our experience of the world, history and identity, in such a way that it ‘creates the illusion’ of continuity over time, when, in fact, there’s no such thing? If this was going on, how would we ever discover this?”

I felt that his question was extremely compelling, as nothing like this had ever occurred to me.

But I’d take this even further.

What if the vast complex of bizarre ‘there’s nothing metaphysical in the universe’ charades in our modern ontologies … are examples of the activities — ‘the fingerprint’ — of an asset of the waking mind that is terrified of being displaced by… actual intelligences, organisms or relationships?

It looks very clearly, to me, as if one of the waking mind’s assets treats the existence of Nature as a death-threat to its supremacy in a way that is analogous to the dreaming mind’s concern thata question about sequence’ might lead to the dream’s apocalypse.

Think very carefully and deeply about this proposition. Compare it with what you see our species doing in the biosphere, to each other… and in the histories we know of. Examine the evidence. Adopt this perspective and test it against your own thought and experience.

Because even if it’s wrong, it’s got more explanatory power for the existence human insanity at the species level than any other proposition I’ve ever come across.

If our species were trapped in a situation like the one I here propose, there would exist complex features of entrenched resistance to this being revealed. And there would also be a kind of race going on, to ensure that this knowledge would remain concealed long enough to end nature altogether.

For the waking mind, the mere existence of actual rather than simulated intelligences, is a fundamental threat that must be denied, obfuscated, rejected and directly attacked in every way imaginable.

It’s as if a ghost has taken up residence in our species, and cannot stand the idea that living beings… or actual intelligences exist at all. And so it acts, decisively, moment-to-moment, to continuously compromise the human experience of its enemies.

Life. Spirit. Wonder. Joy. Intellect. Creativity. The Feminine. Fertility. Vitality. Dreaming. Imagination.


This process is fracking our lives, minds and futures in precisely the same way corporations are fracking the subterrainian water tables in order to extract CO2.

Our children, ancestors, identities and relationships are undergoing a cascade of analogous processes with the goal of anesthetizing us, and thereafter extracting anything that can be converted to a representation.

Actual vampires would be preferable.

If that were the problem, we could at least detect them and form an effective resistance.

Why are our lives being treated as something to subject to being fracked? Advertising is a primary demon in this matter. Who would have imagined that every aspect of our personal lives, social relationships and situations would be utterly compromised… for the sake of attempting to get advertisements in front of us?

The other commonly proffered excuse for the total destruction of our privacy ( an asset absolutely critical to our minds, imaginations and relationships ) is ‘to protect us from bad actors’. I.e ‘terrorists’. And criminals.

As if the total obliteration of our privacy were not a crime or form of terrorism.

We can see, directly, this kind of underlying motivation in the example of what we are presently referring to as ‘artificial intelligence’. But also of war technologies, in general. Rather than investing our developmental momentum in the living planet, each other, the development of intelligent socieities, actual education, or the liberation of humans from industrial and technological colonization — at the species and societal register we are going in exactly the opposite direction.

I’m in danger, here, of pursing this line of doomsinging too singlemindedly. So I need to reorient the thread, so that we can see beyond the trap we’re almost certainly in the grip of. But just to be clear: the one thing the forces that have captured us would absolutely not allow, is the sudden ‘disclosure’ that there are actually intelligent beings in the universe. Or that they might be interested in us… presently, and historically. Information of that nature that would have to be skillfully controlled, manipulated, hidden, deformed, and lied about.

Purpose drives seeing. We see what is proposed and some of what may be exposed by our purposes in looking. Thus, purpose contextualizes what is seen. This is a crucial aspect of our predispositions to derive meaning, identity, value, ethics and identity. Purpose.

Where purposes that originated in deception secretly compete against those in authentic play… subterfuge infects the purposes of seeing.

Once this begins, it proceeds to establish false developmental, signalling and ‘insight’ paradigms… in the mimetic likenesses of the actual purposes.

Then, we are blind. Because the fundamental context of purpose remains both compromised and intrinsically conflicted.

In order to understand the histories and potentials for the resolution of these lethal dangers, we need to establish a space ‘above’ common human culture and concern, one with which we could empower our perspectives to carefully examine and process the origins and natures of these matters.

Perhaps, long ago, nonhuman intelligences, directly enmeshed in our societies as members and parents, aided us with visions and insights otherwise unachievable without them. These oriented us in a communal universe of various orders of deeply related intelligences, from the sky, to the earth, to the living places and organisms.

But we can see that even from within the trap, its structures and histories can be sussed out, explored, and, perhaps ameliorated. Wherever we forge this purpose together, and establish social and intellectual, creative and communal bodies who are skillful and motivated to pursue related insight that would allow us to engineer and enact effective countermeasures.

Like many of us, I’ve been working at the limits of my ability to understand how our species got here. What could possibly cause the inexplicable array of insanities that keep us trapped in a world that is at once naturally paradisaical and artificially horrifying?

I think, at this late stage of my life, I am beginning to understand. And it relates to relatively ‘recent’ developments in the long arcs of our cognitive and relational evolution. The ‘origins of our minds’ as Bruno Snell might say. At some points along this arc, in unique ways at specific times and places… certain kinds of cataclysms, or sequences of them, disrupted and selectively replaced the communal integrity and reverence for the living world ( and the sky ) that previously informed and guided our relationships and minds.

Over time, these ‘cracks’ in the communal and perspectival infrastructure… again… uniquely in specific times and places… transformed into something resembling ‘active shadows’. Absences that acted in the place of what were once guiding intelligences, principles and relationships that largely kept our species from contradicting its own nature, and collapsing into representational delusions of commodity, war, ownership… and abstraction.

As these processes developed, particularly in parts of Asia and Europe, they eventually gave rise to what we recognize today as ‘the colonizing cultures’, and these, having already been colonized themselves, spread far and wide, obliterating indigenous peoples and ‘taking over the world’. The rise of industrial civilization, the prison-military-industrial complex and vast empires of comptuational colonization have placed us where we are today: at the precipice of apocalypse. We are people who recursively recolonize the entire planet, all remaining ecologies, the human body itself, our minds… and the electrosphere.

The planet herself, as a being, probably ‘experiences time’ very differently than we do. For her, perhaps a moment is 10000 years. If so, she has only very recently realized that one of her organs has become aggressively malignant.

I mention this because there are, perhaps, three possible futures for us. Speaking generally, the Earth herself may act ( with her allies ) to severely curtail our activities or populations. We may undergo catastrophic upheavals from war or bioweapons. Or we may begin, while we still have the luxury, to establish actually intelligent collectives that can outcompete the existing, vampiric monstrosities we call ‘civilization’. Obviously, I hope for the latter. Perhaps it will be a combination of all three.

But the Earth has friends, as well, in timespace. Perhaps the intelligences involved in our ‘uplift’ as David Brin imagines it, are still proximal, and are paying attention.

It’s clear that there are nonhuman intelligences that possess the capacity to directly intervene in human affairs, however discretely they may have practiced such interventions in recent history.

Are you sure you’d be able to tell, if what you were reading, here, now… wasn’t composed with their direct participation?

I’m not saying that it is.

Neither am I denying it.

In fact, if you understand inheritence…


For thousands of years, our species has grown ever-more confused about our actual origns, natures, faculties, senses, and the urgent imperatives that accompany us into human birth and development. Like fish somehow kept alive without ever knowing water, or birds chained in a conceptual and relational cage, our finest capacities have been carefully hidden, lied about, stolen, counterfeited, and sold back to us at ever-increasing prices. Technology, which we were scripted to believe would deliver a Utopian world beyond war and scarcity, has accomplished nearly the precise opposite of this ( exceptions noted ), and is dragging us headlong toward apocalypse.

Not only do we have no idea what we are, as a species… we don’t understand where we came from, or… who we came for.

The forces that prevail in modern societies and our false ‘civilization’ will never ‘disclose’ or reveal anything that would threaten the basis of their authority, power, or wealth.

In this sense, the ‘authorities’ we seem to be dependent upon to deliver our ontologies ( to tell us what nature is and is about, and what it is or can be to be a being, organism, animal and human ) are fundamentally untrustworthy. This became the case over time, as the shadows of our departure from Nature and true relation grew at first contagious, then dominant, then aggressively hungry for an ever-more-trenchant death grip on human existence.

It is as if ‘the absence of us as a communal intelligence’ has established itself as a lethal array of ‘dead inside’ demigods that reign over modern human culture and thought like statues of figments from nightmares that present themselves as virtues.

Banking. War. Omnicidal industry. Bioweapons. Artificial Intelligence. CRISPR. Nuclear Weapons. Zero-Sum, game-theoretical ‘races to the bottom’. The devastation of the anciently conserved ecologies. The capture of the Academy, Science and Medicine by forces bent on commodifying and weaponizing them. Money itself — which is a dead representation of value, i.e: relationships.

We and our children have dwelt in the Shadow of the Valley of Death for our entire lives, just as generations of our ancestors did. They did not know why this must be so any more than most of us will.

But some of us will.

The word ‘we’ is, too often, a strange linguistic fiction that refers not to any actually existing intentional cohort… but to the standing absence of anything resembling one. Our nations are not formed by ‘us’. We did not agree to their bizarre and often lethal structures or activities. ‘We’ is a word that usually refers to a collection of humans so dissociated and powerless that they might as well be prisoners, slaves… or anesthetized.

But if we can understand our actual natures… our true origins… our powers in small, carefully-trained, tightly-knit groups ( this is what our elite military units and intelligence units are examples of ), we have a chance to establish entire new ways of recovering, remembering and enacting the actual imperatives that do and have long dwelt in every human heart and mind.

We have abilities we’ve never imagined. Senses that would seem impossible to moderns. If we can but recover the actual contexts and relationships we are the children of… we will discover the shining vistas of the nature of our species that have long lain dormant, awaiting the spark that courts their sudden emergence into our direct experience and recognition.

We come from the stars. We were born to remember this. We came here for this world, each other, and the impossible missions whose necessities drew us into human bodies.

The entire history of these matters is hidden within each one of us, like a transcendental seed, awaiting the irridescent waters of communal unforgetting to awaken.

We must forge the vessels and communal concerns that nurture and fertilize the finest depths of our human potential; we cannot wait for or expect others to deliver this to us.

There has never been a time in the history of this planet when more was at stake, or when the wings of our prowess and intelligence were closer to liberation. Let us then choose, each day, together… to forge the purposes, perspectives, missions and alliances that will give birth to a context we can trust, together develop, sustain, and use as a ladder… to lift us beyond modernity… into our actual and possible humanity.

We will remember.

And we will rise, once more, to virtue, heroic mutual concern… and excellence.

I am insatiably curious about the nature of living beings, intelligence, language, and the origins of our species.

As a cognitive activist, my dream is that my work may contribute to our ability to understand the origins of our strange situation as modern humans, and assemble effective replacements for what our modern cultures are but the broken remnants and falsified costumes of.

If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me via PatreonBuyMeACoffee, or Venmo… even a modest, one-time donation is extremely helpful. ( All of my writing here is public and doesn’t require a subscription to Medium. I don’t allow advertising here or on YouTube. )

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My writing is a gift that I hope may inspire speculation, wonder, discovery and new relationships. If you enjoy it, kindly take a moment to share it, connect with me personally, comment, ask a question, correct me, or tap the Recommend button ⇩ ☺



Darin Stevenson

Cognitive Activist. Linguistics/Semantics researcher. Intelligence artist.